Sunday, February 5, 2012

Let's Catch Up...

We moved to a gate about 40 miles east of Laredo on January 21.  There are 3 gates on our road back to the natural gas well, Barb and BJ on the 2nd gate and Milford and Rachel on the last gate.  From what we are told they are laying pipe now and we don't know how long that lasts.  Very interesting though, so far we are enjoying our new line of work, which is very different from anything we have ever done before!

David is the GGS field tech (not sure if that's his title but makes sense to us), he is the person who takes care of us.  Great guy, friendly, smart, helpful and always ready with an answer to our questions or a solution to our problems.  Roger is the person in charge of this area, nice guy as well, in fact everyone we have met involved with GGS so far have been really nice people!

We sat for about two weeks before getting a gate which was because of the hunting on the ranches.  At least we got one!

The only big issue we have had thus far is phone/internet service.  We are with Sprint and use our phones as portable hot spots for the internet, however, this is primarily AT&T area so our phones didn't work well at all.  We had read on some of the other gate guards blogs to get a Wilson cell phone booster which we finally did yesterday and now we have both phones and internet.  Grant you, the internet is slow, way slow but it beats none!  The booster was $300 at Best Buy in Laredo. 

I'll start posting pictures as soon as I figure out how, hopefully today.  Oh, I saw my first wild pig!  I was walking the dogs down our dirt road when River alerted on the shrubs next to us and I saw a black pig running parallel to us in the, I turned around and went home!  You can hear the coyotes hunting in the surrounding area both day and night which gets all 3 of our dogs excited and barking out the windows.  Jim took the dogs another direction on a walk and heard a pack howling in the distance and then a bit later they started howling again only they were much, he turned around and went home!  Love the bird songs here though, different and very pretty.

Ok, so now we're all caught up and I'll try to stay that way.  Be safe.


  1. Oh yeah... we love our Wilson booster. Have had it for over three years and love it!
    We don't take our doggies for walks. We would love to, but the are little Chihuahuas, 5 & 6 pounds. They're hors deovres!


  2. glad you guys got settled in at a gate. We enjoyed our time and are taking a break before our spring work camoing job so will be off the oil fields until next Fall at least. We enjoyed the $$ but got a tired of the confinement after a couple of months. Probably take it in shorter deployments next time to help break it up some.
    Keep us updated and enjoy!

    Phil and Rudee
